Monday, January 17, 2011

infected labret piercing

I have a looong list of ones I want to get, mainly face piercings.

I have a looong list of ones I want to get, mainly face piercings.

the dangers of piercing guns-

the dangers of piercing guns-

 was like its the labret that's causing it you see now your gum lines are

was like its the labret that's causing it you see now your gum lines are

Self Pierced Labret

Self Pierced Labret

20080513 - infected on the treo image by bpende from, CC-BY

20080513 - infected on the treo image by bpende from, CC-BY

Labret Piercing Dangers

Labret Piercing Dangers

 the foot in the door for me to get other piercings (which I do myself).

the foot in the door for me to get other piercings (which I do myself).

Lip piercing is practiced by many ancient tribes. The Dogon tribe of Mali,

Lip piercing is practiced by many ancient tribes. The Dogon tribe of Mali,

Labret Piercing Procedure

Labret Piercing Procedure

 get a piercing, too so the dilemma came to either septum or labret,

get a piercing, too so the dilemma came to either septum or labret,

piercing. vertical+labret.

piercing. vertical+labret.

Labret Piercing. What people are asking about the topic.

Labret Piercing. What people are asking about the topic.

Labret Piercing

Labret Piercing

Labret Piercing. This entry was posted on Sunday, December 5th,

Labret Piercing. This entry was posted on Sunday, December 5th,

So this is the jist of what you should know when choosing to get a piercing

So this is the jist of what you should know when choosing to get a piercing

How to Care for a Labret Piercing

How to Care for a Labret Piercing

I do not know the price of this piercing or any helth risks associated,

I do not know the price of this piercing or any helth risks associated,

It's finally your turn to sit in front of the piercing artist.

It's finally your turn to sit in front of the piercing artist.

I want to get a labret piercing, and a bridge piercing.

I want to get a labret piercing, and a bridge piercing.

Finally, Bridget has a labret piercing, below her bottom lip but above the

Finally, Bridget has a labret piercing, below her bottom lip but above the


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